To black hat hackers, IP spoofing essentially lets them conceal their identity and location
whenever they perform their attack. Doing so will also allow them to impersonate another
computer system and defeat existing security measures which may require authentication based on
their IP addresses.
One of the attacks that makes use of using falsified IP is called ARP spoofing, which involves
sending a false Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) message over a targeted local area network.
When done successfully, an attacker’s MAC address gains the IP address of an authorized
computer over the targeted network. This will allow an attacker to modify or stop all traffic, or
intercept data sent over the network. Using the following code, you can catch all packets that are
routed towards a targeted machine, which entails being able to see all the information that a
targeted user sends out, which allows you to view private communication that is not protected by
any form of encryption.
Find Information About the Targete Machine
To find out how you can hack your target, you will need to check the ARP cache on the machine
that you want to attack. To inspect for the ARP cache on a Windows machine, take a look at this
You will notice that the target’s default gateway IP address is at and has an ARP
cache entry with the MAC address 3c-ea-4f-2b-41-f9. Take note of this to check the ARP cache
while you have an ongoing attack and verify that you have changed the MAC address that
corresponds to the gateway.
Code the Attack
Now that you know the target’s IP address and the gateway, you can now create your code. Your
code should look like this:
Code the Poisoning
The code above sets up your attack by inputting the target IP address and the MAC address that
goes with it using the get_mac function. You have also setup a packet sniffer that will capture
traffic for your targeted machine. All that is left for you to do is to write these packets out to a
PCAP file that you can pull up later using the Wireshark tool, or use an image carving script.
Once that is done, you can call the function restore_target, which will allow you to put the
network back to its original form before the attack happened.
Now that you are able to setup the hack, you are now ready to code the ARP poisoning. Put the
following code above the code block that you read earlier: