Websploit is a MITM (Man in the middle attack) Framework .It is uses for :-
Social Engineering Works
#Scan,Crawler & Analysis Web
#Automatic Exploiter
#Support Network Attacks
#Autopwn – Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service
#wmap – Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin
#format infector – inject reverse & bind payload into file format
#phpmyadmin Scanner
#CloudFlare resolver
#LFI Bypasser
#Apache Users Scanner
#Dir Bruter
#admin finder
#MLITM Attack – Man Left In The Middle, XSS Phishing Attacks
#MITM – Man In The Middle Attack
#Java Applet Attack
#MFOD Attack Vector
#USB Infection Attack
#ARP Dos Attack
#Web Killer Attack
#Fake Update Attack
#Fake Access point Attack
#Wifi Honeypot
#Wifi Jammer
#Wifi Dos
#Bluetooth POD Attack
How to install Websploit in Termux:-
Follow the commands below :
1. apt update && upgrade -y
2. apt install git
3. apt install python2
4. git clone https://github.com/websploit/websploit
5. cd websploit
6. chmod +x *
7. pip2 install requests
8. pip2 install scapy
9. To start Websploit : python2 websploit
Now you can use websploit. If you liked then share this trick .
I must be dumb but I'm stuck and can't seem to get this to work.. 😠been trying command after command just like you typed it or switching it up. Still nope. Now I'm so lost idk what step I'm lost on. Noob problems!! Hopefully I figure it out soon. Lol thanks for the information though!!